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Stop agonizing to be perfect…Just do it

Stop agonizing to be perfect…Just do it

Have you ever agonized over a freebie or a website page ... changing the colors, tweaking the fonts, and re-writing it 100 times until you forgot why you're even doing it?! This kind of hyper-perfectionism saps all the joy out of our business. And we can end up...

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Do what makes you happy

Do what makes you happy

It's easy to get wrapped up in the Black Friday / Cyber Monday / Christmas shopping rush. But make sure you're looking after your No.1 moneymaker in your biz: YOU! You can't pour from an empty cup, so this week we're telling our clients to take care and fill up on...

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The secret to happiness

The secret to happiness

Comparison-itus is the WORST! When we're stuck in the pattern of focusing our lens outside of ourselves, nothing, and I mean nothing you do will ever be 'good enough'. There will always be someone you think has a better IG feed, or a better biz idea, or more hair! But...

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Embrace your uniqueness

Embrace your uniqueness

From the very beginning, you are being told to compare yourself with others. This is the greatest disease; it is like cancer that goes on destroying your very soul because each individual is unique, and comparison is not possible. - Osho Are you ready to create a fun...

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Your natural gift

Your natural gift

What's the ONE thing that you do so naturally that you don't even think it's a thing? Your friends see it, your family sees it, your clients praise you for it. And you just brush it off as if it's nothing. THIS is your gift. We're all unique, and those things that...

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Beating the status quo

Beating the status quo

If you've ever felt like you're different from everyone else, and things don't work out quite how you expected - then maybe the status quo isn't for you. Often we look around at everyone else and think that we 'should' be like them. When actually, all we really need...

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Enneagram and its massive impact on business

Enneagram and its massive impact on business

Let's talk Enneagrams! Did you know that there are 9 different Enneagram types, and knowing yours could have massive impacts on how you market your biz. Here are the types.. 1 THE REFORMER - The Rational, Idealistic Type: Principled, Purposeful, Self-Controlled, and...

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How to get your spark back

How to get your spark back

If you've been feeling a bit blah in your biz lately, it could be a sign that you've lost touch with your spark. When we're deeply connected with what makes us different - we're tapped into the wellspring from which all our aliveness, inspiration, and spunk comes...

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What sets you apart is what makes you great

What sets you apart is what makes you great

“What sets you apart can sometimes feel like a burden and it’s not. And a lot of the time, it’s what makes you great.” - Emma Stone If you're a personal development junkie like us, then boy do we have something exciting for you!! Next week we're releasing a top-secret...

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Requirements to run a successful business

Requirements to run a successful business

We're a boutique agency for wellness brands, and we're so happy to have you here with us! Every client of ours has an amazing story. There’s usually something personal behind why they became interested in wellness. And then there’s the catalyst that turned them from...

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Have questions? Let's talk!

We're happy to offer you a free 30 minute virtual call with us.

We'll talk about your current marketing strategy, improvements that you can make today, and show you what your competitors are doing. If you have other questions, we can discuss those too 🙂